Last year, on February 24, 2024, at Coldest Night of the Year: Hamilton-Barton, more than 300 walkers toured Helping Hands Street Mission’s current facilities as part of their walk. Walkers felt the warm welcome of the place of belonging at 349 & 351 Barton Street East, a building that has been home to faithful, caring friendship-based support for over 20 years.
The most common reaction to seeing our space was: “Wow! You do a lot in such a small space!”
As walkers made their way into the front doors of our free café, through our small program room, up the flight of stairs past our only washroom, through our tiny office, out the back door, and then up into the next back door, through the cramped donation sorting area and down the stairs into our free store and out the front door, they affirmed that something needed to change.
Although this place has been good to us over the years, in order to be able to grow to facilitate more opportunities to live into our mission of reaching out together, with love and respect, in Jesus’ name, we needed to find a new place to call home.
We needed to find a place where there will be room to live out our faith-based values that each person has intrinsic value and dignity – no need to line up in the cold to wait for help.
We needed to find a place where each person can see that they have something to contribute and are needed in community – no accessibility barriers making engagement difficult.
We needed to find a place where many people from different backgrounds can gather together and affirm to each other that God loves each person and wants to welcome each one in relationship.
On February 22, 2025, you have opportunity to see for yourself that our community has found a solution!
We’ll still need your help to prepare the space and move us in, but with the support of our incredible community, we have found a new home that offers more flexible space, has no stairs that make accessibility difficult, and will bring so many opportunities for our community to gather and grow together!
Join us in celebrating what we believe is a divinely-provided solution and opportunity for Helping Hands Street Mission to grow and offer more friendship-based support to increasing numbers of neighbours dealing with hurt, hunger and homelessness.
Friends, we couldn’t make this move without you, and we look forward to welcoming more friends into our new home and hope-filled family with your support.
Walk with us on February 22 and see how your support is making a difference today!
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