The need for nourishment is universal. Whether we are physically, mentally, or spiritually hungry, we all long to be satisfied. Food satiates primal hunger. But food shared in the company of others satisfies a deeper longing.
For me hunger represents longing and desire. There is something empty inside of us and it needs\wants to be filled. No one escapes this desire for fulfillment, it is what makes us human. To want for more keeps us alive, even if at times we feel like we are barely awake.
When I meet a stranger I practice finding this common ground. We can become guests to each other around the table of hospitality. I may offer food and you may offer a smile, both are gifts necessary to the fulfillment of our longing. We all desire to be seen, heard, to belong and know that we matter.
As we offer each other matter in the way of food, know that the matter we offer in our physical presence is precious, sacred and matters.
Written by Carmen Cooper, Program Coordinator at 541 Eatery and Exchange.
This post is a part of our Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week campaign! We have a goal to raise $5,000 by Giving Tuesday on November 28th. The first $2,500 will be matched, so you can double your impact today! Be sure to make a donation with the form below to help us continue serving our friends that are facing hunger and homelessness in Hamilton.